Crushed Limestone Driveway: Pros and Cons

By John Brown •  Updated: 02/01/24 •  5 min read

Crushed limestone is more than just a staple in construction and manufacturing; it’s a versatile material that’s paving the way for a sustainable future. With its significant role in industries ranging from construction and landscaping to agriculture, it’s no wonder why it’s become a topic of interest.

Beyond its industrial uses, it also boasts an aesthetic appeal that can elevate any property’s visual charm.

In this article, we will discuss its uses along with the pros and cons of this material.

What Is Crushed Limestone?

Crushed limestone is a versatile material that you’re likely to encounter across various aspects of construction and landscaping. Essentially, it’s limestone rock that has been mechanically broken into small pieces.


A key component of this material is calcium carbonate, which is known for its neutralizing properties. This makes it not just a strong building material but also a crucial element in many chemical processes.

Common Applications

Pros for Crushed Limestone Driveways

Crushed limestone driveways offer several compelling advantages that make them an attractive option for homeowners. Before deciding on your driveway material, it’s essential to understand the benefits that it brings to the table, ensuring you make an informed choice that aligns with your home’s aesthetics and functionality needs.

Durability and Longevity

When properly installed, it exhibits remarkable resilience against wear and weather. The compact nature of crushed limestone means it forms a solid layer that resists rutting and potholes, promising years of reliable use without the need for frequent repairs.


Unlike asphalt or concrete, crushed limestone driveways are permeable, allowing rainwater to filter through and replenish groundwater. This characteristic not only reduces runoff and the risk of flooding but also supports a healthier local ecosystem.

Aesthetic Appeal

Crushed limestone has a natural, rustic look that complements a wide range of home styles. From rural to contemporary, the understated elegance of a crushed limestone driveway enhances curb appeal, potentially boosting your home’s market value.


Generally more affordable than other materials, they provide a balance between initial investment and long-term value. Considering both the installation and maintenance costs, crushed limestone can be a financially savvy choice for your driveway project.

Cons for Crushed Limestone Driveways

While it offers a range of advantages, from durability to aesthetic appeal, there are several factors you should consider before making your decision.


Seasonal Maintenance can pose a significant challenge. Areas experiencing dramatic seasonal shifts, particularly freeze-thaw cycles, might find crushed limestone driveways shifting and becoming uneven over time. This condition necessitates periodic maintenance to ensure the driveway remains level and functional.

Wear on Tires

The texture and composition of crushed limestone can be rough on vehicle tires. Over time, frequent driving over the limestone can lead to accelerated wear and tear on your tires, potentially increasing your vehicle maintenance costs.

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How much limestone do I need for my driveway?

When planning a driveway project, one of the first questions you’ll have is, “How much crushed limestone do I need?” The amount of limestone you require depends on several factors, including the total driveway area and the desired thickness of the limestone layer. Understanding these aspects is vital to ensuring a successful project.

First, measure the length and width of the driveway area in feet. Multiplying these dimensions gives you the total area in square feet. For instance, a driveway that’s 20 feet wide and 30 feet long has an area of 600 square feet.

Next, decide on the thickness of the limestone layer. A standard recommendation is a depth of 2 inches for driveways. To convert this depth into cubic yards, which is how crushed limestone is typically sold, use the following formula:

Total cubic yards = [(Length in feet x Width in feet x Depth in inches) / 324]

For our example, with a 600 square-foot area and a desired thickness of 2 inches, the calculation would be:

Total cubic yards = [600 x 2) / 324] ≈ 3.7 cubic yards

Remember, these calculations provide an estimate. It’s always a good idea to purchase a little more material than you think you’ll need to account for compaction and settling. Also, consider your project needs; 1 1/2-inch limestone is optimal for regular driveway stone, while 3-inch limestone works best for areas that require more substantial support and erosion control.

Should doubts or questions arise about your specific project needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to an aggregate specialist. They can offer invaluable advice and ensure you get the right amount of limestone for your driveway, ensuring a durable and aesthetically pleasing result.


Crushed limestone, a geological marvel, is an indispensable player in diverse industries. Its unique properties, coupled with environmental advantages, position it as a reliable building block, consider the pros and cons and your specific application to make an informed decision on where to use it within your project.

John Brown

John Brown brings a wealth of experience and passion for DIY, Home and Garden, and Woodworking. With a dedication to empowering enthusiasts, he shares insights, tips, and comprehensive guides to help you transform spaces and master woodworking skills.